Chemicals and
PRO-99 is the company’s own line of maintenance fluids, specialty chemicals, household cleaners, and car care items. Sourced from competitive manufacturers worldwide, PRO-99 products provide outstanding value for money with the peace of mind knowing all products have undergone thorough local testing brings about.
MA-FRA Italy
MA-FRA was established in Italy 1965 and has since grown to become a global leader in car care. All products are formulated in Italy not just for outright product performance, of which excellence is abundant, but to be highly mindful of user health and environmental impact as well.
Power Service
Our complete line of industry-leading diesel fuel additives provides year-round engine
performance improvements and proper fuel tank hygiene. Beyond boosting Cetane values, independent users have reported drastic reductions in smoke emissions after the use of Power Service diesel fuel additives. Tank storage additives that prevent water and biological formation are also available.